Looking for exercise ideas for someone with severe angina and other heart problems
I currently have a very low METS score and find standing or walking for more than 5 minutes difficult as a result of coronary microvascular disease. I was extremely active before this started but now can do very little due to shortness of breath and chest pressure/pain. I'll try taking a five minute walk and do great the…
Is this normal?
When I ride the recumbent bike at the gym, I usually do about 7 miles at an average speed of 10 mph. My heart rate average is 162 with a considerable amount of time between 170-175. I'm 45 year old female, not overweight, but a bit out of shape. I'm wondering if this is normal because I never see anyone else at the bikes…
I'm a 45 year old female. Whenever I do any standing cardio (treadmill, elliptical), my heart rate immediately jumps into the 180s. This happens within five minutes of working out and I don't feel like I'm pushing myself at all or tired. At times I'll feel really awful when this happens. Not quite nauseous, but just yucky.…