Hello Ladies! My name is Stephanie McGrew I am a personal Health and Fitness Trainer. I heard about this summer challenge you guys were doing and i think it is amazing you guys are working to hard to reach your health and fitness goals. What i wanted to do was offer my own services (free of charge!) to you ladies! So if…
Hey guys wanted to check in and see how your training/healthy eating was going! Let me know if you have any questions! Stephanie
Hey guys! I am SO SO SO happy to see all the new people to the group! Reaching your health and fitness goals WILL BE HARD and it WILL TAKE TIME! BUT YOU ALL CAN DO IT! I am here to HELP YOU!! Please feel free to check out my health and fitness website: http://www.infinitelifefitness.com i post recipes, workouts, food…
What health and fitness goals did you set for 2013? Mine? to run a race every month of this year!