I was wondering if anyone had a food scale and they knew how many rigatoni noodles were in a serving? I don't have one and desperately want to know how many are a serving or approximately so I can count out my meals but I have no reference point whatsoever. Can anyone help? Thanks. I''m basically looking for the number of…
Hey everyone. I was gone for awhile. I got very busy, and eventually just back slid to where I started. :/ So, I just wanted to introduce myself again, and maybe find new friends! I have been overweight and teased my entire life. I just want to change myself so I can finally be proud of me. My Tumblr:…
Hey! I'm sorta new here. Looking for some friends. Actually, I have had this app for a while and I guess this is the time that I'm actually gonna start using it. (: So, I just came in to say hi. I'm about to make breakfast. Any suggestions? lol.
I wanted to get everyone's opinion on Sierra Mist Natural. Do you think it's healthier than normal? I do. I mean, real' (refined) sugar, even though it is also sorta unhealthy, is much better than HFCS. And actually, the first time I tasted it I could taste a huuugggeeeee difference and to me it just tasted better. I don't…