Understanding Carbs
I wrote a quick blog explaining the differences in carbs on nutrition labels and how they should be applied to meet your goals. I hope it helps to clarify some :) http://ericjpersonaltraining.com/understanding-carbs/
Do I need to log my exercise on here?
Simple answer, no you do not. We figured the exercise in when we set this up for each person. However if you'd like to log what exercises you do you're welcome to. Keep in mind though that if you log your cardio, the program is going to give you calorie credit to your daily amounts, which means if you're not paying…
How much protein do I need???
I'm getting a very common question so I figured it east to answer it in the group as a thread. When I set up everyone's macronutrient profiles everyone was put on a low carb diet. This program then defaults by raising the protein to make up for the calories you're not getting from carbs. That being said, you don't have to…