Need a TASTY Protein Shake or Bar
Now I do not eat shakes or bars on a regular basis but I need something very portable for 2 days worth of lunches in October. Need something quick and easy to carry that will fill me up. What is your favorite protein shake or bar?
Tracking Fruit and Veggies
Being an old WW member, most fruits and veggies are FREE foods. Anyone else lax on tracking when it comes to F & V's?
Questions about MFP calorie tracking
Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I can't seem to get the calorie amount in the foods I look up UNTIL they are entered into my tracker. Is there a way to look at the calorie amount BEFORE I track it? Thanks a bunch!
For us quiet ones
Any of my more quiet and reflective pals ever feel like when you DO contribute to a conversation or initiate one, that you often get your topic hijacked or that people talk over you or flat out ignore you? I don't know why I am experiencing this except that I seem to work with a lot of self absorbed turkeys and we all know…
Need to lose 30----more
Hello! I recently lost 30 lbs on another program. Last week, the new doctor that I went to see about my back said that I need to drop 30 more and cut down my cholesterol and sugar. She says I am pre diabetic. I'm about to go on a trip this week and was going to join my other program again and do it online only. Still, it…