This is it, the day has come...
After two and a half years of being a stay at home Dad, I am returning to work tomorrow morning. Back to the grind of the everyday workforce. No more bubble guppies, and dirty diapers. No more rocking my little boy to sleep for his nap. No more pushing him up and down the street in his tricycle.... I think I'm going to…
transition from home to gym...
I have been working out regularly at home now for almost one year now. I have been doing strength training, coupled with plyometrics, and yoga. I am very proud of the results I have gained. However, I have decided that in order to take it to the next level, I am going to need to get to the gym. I feel that I need to…
YouTube Be fit in 90
I've been using these videos everyday to workout with and I'm wondering if anyone else has used them. Are they any good? I've been enjoying them, and certainly found them to be a fair challenge. I do 4 videos at 10 minutes each every day. Any suggestions onother videos that are better?
Im confused....help?
Ok, so my diary is public so feel free to have a look, here is my story: I'm running and doing weight training 5-6 days a week on a diet of 1940 calories. I'm 37 years old at 5'10 and 165 pounds. With all the extra calories I'm burning Im having a hard time hitting the 1940 calories a day. Yesterday being a prime example.…
Boston MA. Dad looking for support, new friends, ect...
Hello all! Profile is public, looking for advice, support, and new friends! Just posted some new pics showing my progress thus far. Help!
New member, looking for friends!
Hello all! Great website I have learned alot just by lurking around reading all your stories. I am a stay at home Dad trying to get the body I have always wanted and then keep it. I live in Boston MA. and would be happy to accept any and all friend requests as it seems this is a really great community. Please check my…
Am I doing this right?
Hello all, Im new here as well as being new to being diet conscious. I am 5'10 and currently weigh 166 pounds. Now I am fairly active being a stay at home Dad. However I have noticed recently I am starting to get a little soft around the middle and im not getting any younger (37). I recently started using MFP, and Im…
New member advice?
Hello all, Im new here as well as being new to being diet conscious. I am 5'10 and currently weigh 166 pounds. Now I am fairly active being a stay at home Dad. However I have noticed recently I am starting to get a little soft around the middle and im not getting any younger (37). I recently started using MFP, and Im…