Hey Guys! I have heard good and bad things about SlimFast. Would you suggest this at all?! I know a girl who has lost weight while drinking them as a small meal replacement, I just wanted to know your opinions before I buy! Thanks!:flowerforyou:
Thanks to everyone that filled out my survey before!! To get my goal # of responses, I only need like 7 more people!! So, if you have a quick couple minutes, please consider filling out my survey to help me with a feature story article for school! :) thanks! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=QxUVhpl2ZP20Evo6cmcmRg_3d_3d
Hello,everyone! I am Megan. I am 21, and I am here to be healthy again. Hopefully I don't get off track again. :( Hopefully this works!! :) I am from Ohio, and I am in college so I lead a very busy lifestyle.:)
Hey Guys! :) I am taking a feature writing class for school. I would like to ask any college student to take my brief (approx 5 min) survey regarding your communication with others. I am writing a story on the future and changes of communication. Your feedback would help me greatly!!:) Thanks!…