My Real Father
I just saw a documentary last night and was so frightened I could not sleep afterwards. All I did was cry and even tell myself that this story simply could not be 100% accurate. To say to myself that it is true, I would never sleep peacefully again if Obama won. Has anyone ever watched this? You could get it through…
Fasting and Prayer for 2012
I cannot remember who started a fasting and prayer 40 days before the election. For some of us that may mean food, cigarettes, unhealthy bad habits. For others it means saying an extra prayer in order to make a difference. I plan to stop smoking and I will offer it up with extra prayers.I want to see a change in this…
Bamm! Finally some tough questions for Mr. President! Did anyone notice squirming? On a more serious note, I was quite shocked by his answer to Fast and Furious by saying it started under Bush. I am sad that lies come so easily to this man. When the question about Libya was asked he said Libya was our friend, more apology…