Hi Everyone- I am 36 and a first time mom. I am terrified of gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy. My sister doubled her weight with her first child, and that just scared me enough that I want to track what I am eating. I lost 25 pounds before I knew I was pregnant. I am 6 weeks and haven't gained anything yet- and I…
Hi Everyone, I know this has been talked about a bunch of times, but I am really having trouble here. I love my Chocolate Vegan Shakeology (I am allergic to milk), but I can't afford it anymore and was looking for an alternative. I tried the Alive! Pea Protein in chocolate flavor, and it made me gag the first time I tried…
No matter what I do I can't get my iron up. I need to take a supplement- preferably one that is easy on the tummy. Any recommendations?
Hello- I am about 3.5 weeks in and 5.5 pounds down (YAY!!). Anyway, the doctor told me earlier this week that I have an egg allergy and a milk allergy. He said to avoid milk and eggs as best as I can. The problem is- I LOVE dairy (well, cheese) and it is a BIG part of my diet. Every morning I have a Shakeology shake (made…
I am new here (it's my first week), and this year I will not be able to travel to my parents house for the holidays. I will be making a small meal for my husband and myself (he is a big eater). I am looking for a healthier pot roast recipe. I will also be making chicken soup, chopped liver, and a salad. I need some…