Interval Timers on iPhone
Looking for suggestion for an interval timer. I use my iPhone 4 to listen to Pandora as I run. I'm looking for an app to use alongside it. I have Gymboss but the alarm doesn't ring over Pandora. I use i.Run Free app, but it only logs mileage, time and rates via gps. I use the stopwatch feature to time myself and the alarm…
Breast Feeding Storage Bag Question
Hello! I learned a few tricks with my first baby about breast milk bags and how I can just use a hole punch on the Lansinoh bags to use with the Medela pump, it saved me $$$ in the long run, but now I recently saw that Target has their own brand of breastmilk storage bags! Has anyone tried them? Or does anyone have any…
What are you doing to stay active?
I was running average 15 miles/week. Now I'm walking instead. Not getting the mileage that I had before, but my goal is now more for time. What are you doing to stay active?
Compression Socks
Does anyone else wear compression socks while running? Why? Please share your thoughts.
"That Time of the Month!"
I am finding it to be very hard to not eat everything in sight when I'm on my period. Why is this? How can I keep from sabotaging my progress during this time of the month? Does anyone else experience this?