Anyone have any non-traditional solution/cure/exercises for golfer's elbow? I have been to the doctor and have been going to a physical therapist for about 6 months, do my drills religiously and while the condition has gotten better, it is still sore and limits me in the gym, in some life activities too. I was hoping that…
How did you come up with your username. I have seen some pretty interesting ones here and really wonder where they came from. I'm Farsteve, Steve is my first name and far is three letters from my last name. I have also gone by SteveO a few times and I've used my favorite pet's name a few places. Kinda dull I know but it…
One of our contractors just delivered two (2) dozen Fresh Spalding doughnuts to the office. Spaldings are by far The Best Doughnut In The World and I can hear them calling. Somebody please come over and duct tape me to my desk. My chair has wheels on it so that's no good. Just leave at least one hand free so I can keyboard.