Some days I find it very hard to eat enough calories. Today was the first day in a long time that I actually tracked my food and it told me I was actually at starvation level. First and foremost, THIS IS NOT INTENTIONAL! I am on a medication for seizures and migraines that's causing me to not have an appetite. That…
I'm seeing a lot of low cal recipes on here but I haven't seen many low carb ones. Anyone know any yummy low carb recipes? No mushrooms or oranges please!! Thanks so much in advance!!
I need lots and lots of motivation. I am a dance teacher and a partner for our community's childhood obesity program. And I am just not motivated! My house is a disaster. I'm fat and lazy. AND I'm not setting a good example for my dancers!! My partner and I are planning on getting married in May. I tried on wedding dresses…
I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and am interested in finding out if anyone else around here does. If so, would anyone like to become friends and support each other? If a group such as this already exists, someone please point me in the right direction!!
Just wanted to share my little success. I lost 4 lbs! Since the Friday after Ash Wednesday. It's been so long since I've lost anything at all! I know 4 lbs is just the beginning! I'm so excited!!
Anyone around here a dancer or former dancer? I'm looking to make contact with some dancers that want to make up a workout plan and workout together. Even if it's from a distance! Let me know if anyone is interested!
Hey all. I'm new here. Just found the site. I'm a dance teacher, trying to get into shape and be a positive example to all my students. Looking for friends!!