Fitness and Depression
Hi Divas' Sorry for not posting this weekend, I was busy, and ate like crap....:( I had to go to a funeral, and when older ladies from a church start cooking........ But on better news I found this on the web and though ya'll might enjoy it! http://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/exercise-depression
Goals ;D
Hi everyone, Wow and to think I just started this group yesterday! As you can see Jules has already made her first post, and thats the kind of stuff we all want to hear about, and to be honest it helps us all stay motivated! So to get this thing started lets hear everyones goals whether its to loose weight, maintain…
Trail Running
GAAH I'm pretty sure my work out kicked my bum, a whole 1.5 of bum kicking! Now off to hike with my hiking partner!