Hello everyone, trying to find new friends but I can't seem to figure out how to add people!!!
Hello, I've been on and off of here for quite sometime now. However this time I've come back with the realization that I have an eating disorder. I haven't been diagnosed through a physician but the signs are obvious. I would really appreciate any advice as to how I can put an end to this horrible disorder because I…
Hello everyone! I am looking to add some new friends for extra support and ideas. The handful I have have been amazing and I thought if they've been so good maybe more will be better! I'm a really busy mom of 4 with a full time job and school schedule, anyone who has been there, done that or doing it will be great!
For years I have struggled with eating. I tell people I believe I have a food addiction but I tend to get laughed at like theres not really such an addiction. I eat a lot! There is rarely anything I dislike when it comes to food and I feel amazing when I am eating it. But then I look at what ive eaten and cant stand myself…
I have had a MFP account for some time now but never figured out how to make friends...guess i just used it for my own personal tracking. However I managed to loose 25 pounds but then gained it all back plus an additional 15... Maybe friends is what i need to stay motivated this time.......