Due to squash playing in my formative years ruining my knees...the only exercise I can do without causing severe pain is walking. I walk with headphones and have found after listening to many, many songs and artists, that Pitbull is excellent to walk to! His music has a good tempo and beat, which is great for keeping a…
Does anyone know how many calories are in uncooked fresh fusilli pasta? I don't have any scales as yet, so I want to tip half of the packet (250g) into a pan , boil and eat! I can only find calories for it after it has been cooked, which will obviously be heavier with the water absorption weight.
I am contemplating all the meals and 'drinks' out I have been invited to in December, plus Christmas lunch and I think I may just be happy not to put on weight by the end of the month. I am almost tempted not to weigh myself at all through December, so I don't get depressed when they reflect the week's horrors! How does…