Ok So I am not the best when it comes to math. anyone be able to tell me how I could figure out how much 1 TLB of 1 percent milk is? Maybe its early but I cant seem to figure it out any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
I nam training for a 5k in October. And I have managed to run 5k like three or four times without stopping. One of those times was last week. Yesterday I tried and got half way through and got one of those muscle cramps in my stomach and had to walk the rest of the way. Tried again today and it was the same thing. Really…
I love the cardio trainer app and use it for my running and walking and I see you can use it for biking. Do you put it in your pocket or could I put it in my basket that I have on my bike. I guess I would be scared to keep it in my pocket for fear it would fall out? Anyone out there that has any tips or advice it would be…
Anyone else out there have big busts and if so do you have any suggestions on what to do while working out. Before I started this journey I could never find a bra that could hold me up and I really didnt care about myself which of course led me to gain a lot of weight. Now as I am furthur along I am starting to care about…
I am sooooo proud. I had this brown blazer in my closet that I bought several years ago when I first tried to lose weight and even though it fit it didnt fit right. At the time I thought well if I lose several more lbs it will fit well that day never happened until NOW. I am so proud of how far I have come. I know I still…