are these weights okay?
I'm on week 2 of Strong Lifts and I'm wondering if my weights are okay/normal for each exercise - as far as which exercises should have more weight than others. For example, I know the deadlift weight should be the heaviest, and the overhead press is normally the lightest, right? Or does it differ for each person? Here are…
Heavy lifting and uplifted mood
I've done three days of heavy lifting over the past week and holy hell I feel AWESOME! Not only physically but emotionally. My mood has noticeably improved. Is this maybe entirely mental, like I'm doing something new and different and am just excited about getting stronger? Or does lifting heavy (5x5 and struggling at the…
doing all the exercises in one day, twice a week?
I just started Stronglifts 5x5 but I'm having such a hard time wrapping my brain around this after years of doing BodyPump classes. For the past year I was doing dumbbell/kettlebell workouts in addition to the classes, but even those were high rep, low weight, sweating my butt off and exhausted afterward kinda thing. I'm…
Outgrowing Bodypump and "independent single woman" strength
Background: Was an overweight kid, lost the weight initially through dieting and have kept it off through years of running, BodyPump, and kettlebell classes - so basically high rep, lower weight exercise. I was in the best shape of my life when I was doing all three. Then I got a new job and moved a year ago. My diet has…