Hi everyone... I'm a 32 (almost 33) year old female, and I desperately need to lose weight. This fact is exponentially complicated by the fact that I also have Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder is what it used to be called). I was diagnosed over a year ago, but have struggled with it for many…
Hi all, I joined this site just a few days ago, and, well, since I've never owned a scale, I "guesstimated" my current weight when I joined, at what I thought was a "generous" increase from the last time I got weighed at the doctor. Anyway, today, trying to take a next "tiny step," I bought a cheap little bathroom scale (I…
It's my first day on this site... well, yesterday technically... I have odd hours of "awakeness," but anyway, I am already discouraged. I am not that far over, but I thought that today was a "good" day as far as eating... well, for me. I really need to make some big changes!!! :(