Detox Teas!!!
Have anyone seen the Dr. Oz show about the many types of natural teas that can help us in our efforts of loosing weight? Well I would like to challenge all of us to research the (non-harmful, natural) teas, and find out if they are any good. Remember these are natural. I do understand that some of us may be on medications…
Over coming hating what you have become on the outside.
IF We really want to be successful in out weightloss goals, one of the most important steps is to start loving You! Understand That the you that you see in pictures, and in the mirror is only an image. Images change continually. We must look deeper inside and find one thing that I Love about me!! For me, Its the fact That…
The Holidays are here, and it will be a great temptation for us to over eat, but we must focus on the joy of our family and friends instead. One suggestion is to have some healthy but enjoyable snacks with us so we won,t go after that pecan pie! Lord help me, because that is my favorite! Be prayerful and stay safe! God…
Name one unheathy food item I could replace with its equal
:ohwell: I think I could replace sugar in my coffee with splenda or stevia!