My starting weight was 277! My last weigh in was at 243. Weight loss so far 34 pounds. Which I haven't been weighing myself since my last weigh in. I feel that there's no reason to weigh myself once a week because it only discourages you even more. I look at how my clothes fit and how I feel vs the old me when I was really…
My starting weight was 277 lbs. I was weighed yesterday (10/27/14), weighing in at 245 lbs on the dot. Not the best looking pictures of me, but I am on it with losing weight to be fit and healthy for myself and family. Started eating healthy back in July of this year "2014". I have been without POP for 103 days as of today…
I am 26 years old and a married mother of 3 children. I have struggled with my weight for 9 years now since I gave birth to my first child. I was a teen mom, but I didn't let that get the best of me. Graduated high school 1 year early, finished college when I was 22 years old. I am currently a stay at home mother. Plan to…
Started a strict diet from my doctor July 17,2014! I have lost 25 pounds since July. My starting weight was 277. I went to my doctor last Wednesday Sept. 10, 2014 and weighed myself and I'm now 252! I have 100 more pounds to lose. I have not had pop since before July 17. I eat healthy and I am very active now. Hard work…
My diet is really strict. I can NOT have: NO pastas/breads/rice etc. NO fruits/juices. NO tomatoes/SAUCES, potatoes, beans, corn or carrots. NO dairy/products. Its hard to find meals without dairy so I try not to use much when cooking or making my meals. My diet consist of green leafy veggies along with veggies that I can…
Just checking :)