I am so bored at work. I just want to eat all day, then I feel so terrible after eating junk! Right now I am so depressed because I ate 5 cookies someone brought in. I ate a nice healthy breakfast (naked juice) hoping that would take my hunger/boredness away. It didnt help! How can I stop eating junk when Im bored?
I love this work out!!! I have so much fun doing it. I think I am a little addicted to excersize because I would rather be do this than anything else. Now if my food addiction would just stop! LOL
I started my account about a month ago and lost my password so Im starting a new account. I really want to change my eating habits. I eat a lost of fast food and drink lots of soda. And Im sure its hurting my skin. I've had acne since i was a teen and now have scars :( I want to lose my last 10 pounds and keep eating…