looking for some friends for motivation :)
Hiya, I'm Bianca I'm 21 mummy of two beautiful girls from Barnsley Wanted to make some friends I am wanting to lose about a stone and half, I would like to chat to people to see what helps them to lose weight etc. Since having my kids I have done very little exercise and just ate rubbish I decided it's time for a change…
girls do u weigh more when on your period
I am just wondering if u weigh more when on your period I have seemed to gain 2lb basically over night and today I have come on my period. I have stuck to my diet haven't eaten any fatty foods or anything so the only thing I can put it down to is my period? can this be true?
is it normal to bé coughing up phlegm when exercising
I have been doing 30 day shed and after 10 minutes i have to stop because my chest goes so tight and i get burning in my throught then coughing up lots of phlegm for about half an hour after is this normal? Is it just because i am. So unfit?