I am not the type of person that expresses my feelings to well...I tend to keep to myself a lot and keep my feelings bottled in which I know is not good but something happened to me recently that I feel has changed all of that. I hear stories of people losing close ones to the battle of obesity and I sympathize but never…
Too all my MFP's out there who use Facebook could you please "Like" my Weight Loss page. I am on there mostly and really could use the motivational posta from everyone to keep me going....Hope to see ya'll there!! And add me on here too =) Here is the link...Thank you!!…
I have been struggling with ,my weight loss journey this year and I think it mainly came from my lack of motivation...I'm up and down like a seesaw. I think it comes from doing this along with no one to push me. But come 2011 i refuse to be at the same size this time next year! Please send me a friend request I need all…