Had kind of a rough day today..coming on here and seeing the positive stories has cheered me up a little & reminded me of how far I've really come, and to appreciate myself for working so damn hard. I hope you all take a moment to appreciate yourself too <3 At my highest four years ago, 265 pounds..18 years old. aaaand…
I struggle with the scale often. As I've gotten closer to my goal, the numbers freak me out more and it can be a tough experience. I ran across this and it totally made me smile so I thought I'd share if anyone out there has the same issues with their scale every once in a while =)
I just thought I'd get this off my chest because it's definitely on my mind after today's workout and I really need different opinions. I've been doing this Fitness Bootcamp in my small town that has become really popular. We work out three days a week for an hour and it combines a lot of circuit training...running, push…
Hey everyone :) Does anyone else participate in a Bootcamp style program? I know it's becoming pretty popular in various towns. We workout three times a week with our Bootcamp instructor(and have homework for the other four days) but I can't seem to figure out how to track my exercise on MFP. We do so much in one hour that…
Okay so either way I don't eat any type of bacon every day. When I do eat bacon, however, it's always turkey bacon. I stopped eating regular bacon a longgggg time ago because in my mind it just became taboo, and everyone has made me afraid of how much fat is in it. THEN I read this article today and I got so confused :/…