Hi, thanks for letting me join! I am not new to controlling carbs but recently am making the transition into keto. Lost forty pounds but to long after a diabetes diagnosis a couple of years ago. (I have another hundred or so to Go, give or take. Yikes, is that still hard to even just write!) Anyway I did that mostly…
I am down *this close* to 30 pounds, though it doesn't show yet. It is seriously bothering me, but unfortunately my body has always been like that... I am very short (5'1" on a good day) and I have at least a medium, possibly large frame for my height which results in carrying the weight "well" enough to where while I…
Theatre has been my main passion since I was a child. I have been acting and directing for local groups for years, though I have stuck to directing for a long time now. I haven't performed since 2008 though I have auditioned a few times. They didn't pan out, but it's understandable... I'm a difficult type to cast. I am…