My friend is a corporal in the reserves and gave me this monster routine -100 jumping jacks -90 sit ups -80 squats -70 lunges -60 sit-ups -40 hook punches -30 V-crunches -20 Push-ups -10 Burpee's you work your way through them NO BREAKS in between excerises, 15 second water break at the end then do the routine again but in…
Hey i was just wondering why Fitness Evolved on the Xbox Kinect isnt in the excerise list but Wii fit is?
Hey i dont want this to be come across as an excuse as a "lazy dieter" but i still live with my parents and they dont believe in healthy eating lifestyle and just buy loads of high calorie things. I do work and try to get in as many extra hours as possible but i rarely make anything more than £200 a month so i struggle to…