Hi Everyone. I have had Garmin Vivosmart HR since October 2016. I need more friend connections. Please add me :) Jkika3131
Good Morning All, I am needing friends to help me motivate myself. I shall be 45 this month and I am so looking to change my way of life. I have gained so much weight in the last 10 years and I finally realized how much I had really gained when I looked in the mirror I didn't like what I was seeing back at me. I am a…
Hi, I will be 45 years old this month. My weight today is 215 and I set a goal to lose about 50 pounds. I have started downloading my food intake for about 2 days now. Today I made myself walk on the treadmill at work while my boss wasn't in the office and this evening I just got done walking for about 15 min. and bike…