What's everyone's opinion on this workout? I really enjoy it, it fast, it's hard, but its fun but wondering if anyone has had really good results from it or suggest any other workouts that I enjoy as much as this? Addicted.com
Hi everyone. Hoping to start juice plus Sunday.... Firstly which is better vanilla or chocolate, was gutted to have vanilla. Secondly how many calories is the meal a day? Any recipe tips for the shakes, almond milk or soya?
I just need a bit if guidance please, I'm doing the loss a dress size in 2 weeks challenge, just wondering how many calories a snack is. And the main meal, and the days where your having only one shake how many calories are the 2 meals? Any advice, how did you find it, how much did you lose?
Hi everyone, I decided to try Atkins and lasted just today before I come home from work and researched a bit more and the side effects scared me so after a day if eggs eggs and more eggs I decided to cook myself something and start again tomorrow on a more sensible diet thus my fitness pal. Hopefully I will be as…
I would like a few buddies that could see me lose and I could see them lose, it would make me feel like I'm going to weight watchers. I've been trying to join a challenge but haven't managed it as I haven't received any invites after my posts.