Graves diagnosis, need advice
Hello All, It is just shy of a year since my graves diagnosis. My symptoms and numbers have fluctuated between severely hyper to severely hypo. At first, I took carbinazole (am in germany) for about 5 months until I swung hypo. 2 months later the hyper symptoms were back full force so now I am back on the carbinazole,…
Recent Graves disease diagnosis and Exercise
I was recently diagnosed with Graves disease and since then have been on anti thyroid and beta blockers. I am (was) normally an active person- hiking , swimming, biking... The Dr. said I should not do any of that. My blood numbers have dramatically improved after starting the medication and also absolute clean eating. No…
cold weather question
Hello, My question is: Does one burn more, less or the same calories when exercising outdoors when the temp is frigid? I go on the same hike/jog as in warmer weather but it takes me longer to feel warm/ work up a sweat. It seems like more effort is exerted as I am in places walking through snow and sliding around on ice.…
New and grateful for support
Hello I am Rosy and I joined yesterday. I am a quite private person by nature, but now I need to change my life and I need help. I vow to be active in this community to support others with their goals. I am grateful for any and all advice given towards my goals of losing weight, stopping smoking and becoming a healthy…