I just gave birth to my second child 28 days ago. I am ready to start trying to lose some weight, but I don't know how many calories to cut while nursing. On top of that, I am hungry all the time since he eats constantly! I really need to lose some weight to start feeling good about myself again. Any advice?
Has anyone tried this recipe or one similar, but substituted applesauce for the oil? I have made muffins and brownie mixes before subbing the apple for oil, but im not sure it would work in this recipe. I dont want to waste ingredients!! Ingredients 15oz can black beans (drained & rinsed well) 4 large eggs 1/2 cup…
How do you like to make lentils? I have only made them once, and just realised i have 2 bags of them in the pantry! I needs some good recipes please!
I am almost 24 years old and have been married for 3.5 years. I have a 11 month old daughter who is the light of my life. I am happy, but not as happy as i could be because i need to lose some weight!! 20 lbs is my ultimate goal. I am in need of major motivation and i am hoping to make some new friends here!