Ok let's get a wee discussion going. What's your biggest down fall - chocolate, cakes, biscuits or something else?
What's your biggest down fall chocolate, cakes, biscuits or something else?
Just wondering if anyone is still in this group?
I've been a member since the start and have just came back on, sad to see this group is diminishing - please don't let this group curl up and die xx
Make it a goal in 2016 to try adapt recipes to make them healthier. Let's substitute sugar with sweetener in our baking and post the recipes, I know as a group we can do this together.
hi i stay in Scotland and got my first of leslies dvds from QVC. Unfortunately i dont seem to be able to find leslies dvds that are compatable to our dvd system, can anyone point me in the right direction, i am currently doing leslies four mile walk :smile: