afraid im losing weight too fast???
Ok I've been actively dieting for 2 weeks now, before i started I would eat pizza and nothing but fast food or fried foods, i would drink close to a case a beer a day, i was a huge couch potato except for work, drank nothing but soda, and every night had a very large bowl of ice cream. I now follow a vegan diet except i do…
I don't think I'm doing this right
ok, am i missing something, I'm eating way more than I did before dieting, granted different foods, but the app says I'm eating too few calories,, it totals between 700 - 1150, i just don't see how I can take in more each day.... Any ideas??
Hey all, second try at this
ok Im 30, about a year ago I was looking at photos of my wife and I when we were in highschool,, back then I was 170,,, now I'm about 280,, so I decided to diet and get in shape,, I lost ten lbs with this app and gave up,, I've since gained it back and figured I'd give it another go,, only this time I'll take advantage of…