Greek Yogurt
I bought a big container of Greek yogurt from Sam's club and now I need some ideas of what to do with all of it! It's plain (not vanilla flavored or anything) I mixed some fruit in it this morning and I'll try it in some smoothies too. Anything else I can do with it?
Weight is just a number
Weight is just a number. . . weight is just a number. . .it doesn’t define me. . . weight is just a number. . . I’m freaking out because tomorrow starts my biggest loser competition at work and I have to stand on a giant scale in front of other people. I’m not sure if all 16 people competing will see my weight or if only…
I love my Doc
So I went in for my yearly check up. Everything looks good and we were just chatting about some things when he pulled up my weight graph. He commented about how well I was doing and that he was proud of me. I literally got a pat on the back LOL. When I tried to downplay it and say that I still had a lot more to lose, he…
Biggest Loser at Work
So my boss wants to start up a biggest loser competition at work for the employees and she wants me to help with it!! (How awesome is it that'll I'll actually be getting my work done while being on this web sited lol) So far she knows that she wants it to run from January to June and she knows that she wants to give a cash…
Is there an idiot’s guide to measuring??
I don’t know what my problem is but I can’t get this measuring thing down! It seems like I must measure in a different spot or something every time! My numbers bounce back and forth like crazy and I just can’t seem get it lol. What do you guys do to help you measure consistently? Do you use a mark on your body to remember…
Someone noticed. . .
I just got my first weight loss comment. One of the guys I work with told me I lost a bunch of weight lol. At first I said that it just looks that way because I don’t have my jacket on but then he said No, you’ve lost weight. Which is true, I have but I don’t know why I made it sound like I didn’t. That’s a lie, I do know…
Benefiber Chewables
For those of you who used Benefiber chewables, how many do you take and what time(s) of the day do you take them. I know I need more fiber in my diet but I'm not sure how to work these chewables in. Thanks! Jamie
I'm drinking black coffee because I don't want the extra calories from my flavored creamer! I never thought I'd be able to drink black coffee but now I'm saving over 100 calories a day!
Birthday NSV
For the first time in a few years I weigh less this birthday than I did last. I know I haven't lost as much as I could have (I was very on and off this year) BUT I'm making progress and next year I'll be able to post again and tell you guys that I weigh even less!! Now if I can just get everyone to stop showing up with…
Found an old photo
So I was look back at an old photograph taken of me when I was in high school. . .Back then I always thought I was so big but looking back I was actually pretty thin! If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve shown off what I had instead of always covering up with big clothes! I wish that someone would’ve told me how…
I jogged for 31 minutes without stopping today!! That's a pretty big deal for me. I have a 5k coming up at the end of April and this gives me hope that I'll really be able to do it. I only went 2.5 miles in those 31minutes but that's a good start!!!
I figured out why. . .
I figured out why I'm fat! The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says "for extra volume and body". I'm going to start using "Dawn" dish soap. It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove". I saw this on facebook and just had to share :-)
HRM Calories
I just got a Garmin 305 HRM and I'm a little lost. Is it more accurate to have your burned calories calculated by your heart rate or by your weight and how far you have gone? It looks like the 305 only calculates them based off of your weight and distance. I think I might have to send this back to Amazon. I've never sent…