Half Marathon Saturday and knee/lower quad pain :(
I've been noticing some slight knee stiffness after my long runs for the past month or so, but on Sunday (after a kind cruddy 10 miles) the pain stayed with me. My knee was sore walking yesterday, so I took to the foam roller. It seems to be the lower quad/lower quad tendon that attaches right above the knee. After…
Weight Lifting and Calories Burned?
Hi there! I follow TDEE and don't input exercise into MFP. I calculated my approx calories burned for my running (4 days a week usually) but I didn't include my strength. I know that strength/weight training burns calories, especially after the workout, so I'd like to account for that, especially if I need to up my…
Up and down hunger levels and eating
I'm really trying to maintain/build muscle, but I also want to make smart overall food choices. Since adding mileage to my running (training for a half) and upping my strength training (Still only 2X a week, but I run 4 times a week), I've gained about 10 pounds total (from 105 in August to 115 this month. I'm concerned…