how do I add pictures?
Hard work pays off... just a little over a year between these two pics! If I can do it, so can you!
I am testing this collage out. HOW DO I RESIZE THIS? However, I won't keep you guessing. -83lbs. Thanks in advance for the help.
January 2010 February 2010, about 255lbs Sometime around April 2010 *****Newew pics around 175-180 lbs June 2011 July 2011 and finally.. yesterday
I was running late for court today, literally ran in the house, threw on grey dress pants... and ran out the door. On my way to court I realized they were a size 12 my girlfriend had just given me. Now while sitting in court they were a bit tight, lol, but.. I wore 12's.. Last August, then in a size 22, I would have given…
First and foremost, I'm severe asthmatic and have never ran an entire mile straight without stopping, in my life. I have been VERY active since January, doing zumba 4-6 times a week religiously. It's a great, fun work out and I burn anywhere from 600-700 calories in one hours based on how much I put into it..…