Fitness videos
What's the best video fitness program in your opinion? I'm looking into 30 Day Shred, P90X, and Insanity (which I've tried with not much results) since I won't have access to a gym this summer. Blech.
Brown bag lunches?
I'm going to need to start bringing "brown bag lunches" again. (actually, I have more of a bento box) What are some low-cal options I could do? I'm sick of cold cuts (except chicken and ocassionally ham) so I don't have many options. I could bring pretty much anything else. I can also bring microwaveable things. Any ideas?
I've been plateaued for months!
I don't get it. I've raised my calories, lowered them, raised them again. I work out 3-5 times a week, I have to climb 5 flights of stairs every day, etc. and it's still 160-170 every day. What am I doing wrong?