Hi ya'll. My name's Mandy and I'm from Manchester, NH and was wondering if anyone in this group lived near me and wanted to be work out buddies or just motivational support buddies. Feel free to add me or reply if you're interested! Always looking for more friends! Mandy
Hi ya'll, My name's Mandy and I joined PF in September of last year. I belong to the Planet Fitness on the West Side of Manchester (NH). Are there any other Manchester West members in this group that would like to be workout buddies? I usually go between 2 and 3 PM on Monday Wednesday and Friday, and one day during the…
Hi! My name's Mandy and I joined today. This site looked easy to use and easy for me to track my calories and exercise to lose my weight. I'm from New Hampshire, in the USA. I'd love to meet some new friends who are losing weight along with me and give motivation to them. I'll be checking back a lot, so hopefully someone…