Hey everyone! Question about working out to maintain (however if I were to gain muscle it wouldn't be disappointing) Anyways, how many strength sessions and how many minutes of cardio should I do to maintain my weight? Is it counter productive to lift weights then do cardio the next day if I don't have much fat to burn on…
Do you have to eat more calories when trying to gain muscle? Or are you supposed to eat your maintenance? I realize for many of you there might be a very obvious answer to this.. haha Also any other recommendations? I'm a 22 year old female who's doc wants her to gain a few pounds, but I'd rather gain muscle. Thanks!
** Recovery **... my bad. Hey everyone! I'm in the midst of recovering from an eating disorder and trying to gain some muscle mass along the way. First of all I need to day that I no longer use my journal, and instead my dietitian has me on a food groups SERVINGS counting system for my daily intake. This has been really…