Just seeing how many others get to be single every November (for me) for anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks. Hubby goes off to hunt Bambi and I get to play single mommy. What do you do different from your daily routine? Before kids this was a great time to relax. Then the kiddo's came and it was very stressful for about 4 yrs and…
My name is Dawn and I'm addicted to my scale. It is truly a love hate relationship. I have found myself stepping on this beast of burden several times a day. I know it is unhealthy to do this and its even suggested that you skip days between jumping on ..... but I'm addicted. So I'm wondering when do you jump on the…
I know there has been a lot of posting on knee pain, sorry. I workout min of 3 days a week on an elliptical (at home) and any other time I do not have any joint pain. I've noticed that certain types of tennis shoes were killing me so I started going barefoot and that helped for a while. I've tried moving my feet around…
Hello! I'm about a week into this new adventure. I figured if I joined a website I might actually hold myself accountable for once. I am 38 and a stay at home mom of two beautiful girls and in the past 10 years have been the poster child for yo-yo dieting. When my oldest was a little over a year old I went to my dr and…