Hello Everyone! I really have had a hard time when it came to my weight since I hit purberty. Now that my confidence is getting better and I have been naturally losing weight, I am now going to be more active in my goal to a healither me. My overall goal is to lose 100 lbs but for this year I am fine with getting back into…
Hey everyone! My name is Janine and I was a member here last year but personal problems kinda kept me off the path of healthy living. Now I am back again with a vengence and I hope I can meet people like me who are struggling to get back to a healthy living after so long. I really would love the support!
Hi everyone! I am Janine and I am 19 I decided to join this site to get the extra help I need for this weight lost. For the past 4 years, food was a major comfort because my father leaving me, fights with my mother and my Grandmother's death this past summer. With the death, I turned to food as a way to comfort me all…