I've now been trying to lose weight for 5 months. I've cut out all fast food, pop, sugary drinks, and empty calories. I watch my calories, carbs, sodium, fiber and protein. I'm trying to eat clean foods on a regular basis. I drink 64oz+ of water a day. I am eating about 1300 calories a day. I work out 5 days a week,…
I just joined Fitocracy about a week ago. I really like it so far but, I really don't have many friends on there. I was really hoping for some my fitness pal support and give support in return as well. My name is gigi0206, follow me and I will follow back. Thanks. :bigsmile:
I'm a 24 year old mother to two and a wife to an amazing and supportive husband. I started my weight loss 7 months ago when I had my son, I weighed 275lbs. That is the heaviest I have ever weighed and at only 5' 2" that left me with a BMI of 50.3. I have lost over 50lbs and I now weigh 221.8lbs at a BMI of 40.6. I have…