Come on, you know you wanna
Lay it out Smash it out Kill it Know what you are doing this for Get it done Remember what you are doing this for..... ;)
I have best intentions and love feeling good. But I always seem to find trouble. Help
I am 39 and feel so very young to be starting this journey. But life brings many packages to us, sometimes expedite service. So as I am getting accustomed to the idea, I am as well positive to support and love my son, his misses and the little one to come........BUT as well wanna be the best shape of my life for my family…
:love: I just started yesterday and I think I've logged on already 25 times!!! I LOVE it! Everyone is so helpful, positive and resourceful! I already find myself thinking of you all, and looking forward to my next 5 mins of available time to log on!! Very excited to see, feel and celebrate my progress with you all, as I do…