According to the March issue of Men's Fitness, Houston edged out, literally, El Paso at seventh and Arlington at 15th. The ranking is no surprise as the magazine cites Houston's fast pace with fast food - apparently we have 1,034 more fast food restaurants than any other city. Cmon Houstonians, where yall at. I need some…
What up urr-one? I was once an avid MFP'er but i got busy and lazy and some of my friends dropped me because im a horrible friend.....WAS a horrible friend. Ima changed man and i need some friends. So lets be friends. I will warn you....I'll creep on your page...I'm not creepy tho....Well, what's your definition of creepy?…
I have been working out really hard lately, so in order to prevent my muscles from aching I have been loading up on some supplements recommended by a formidable site that i wont mention. These supplements consist of different amino acids and other recovery type aids. So, the good news is that my muscles feel…
So a guy I know (not me) is thinking about juicing up, But I....I mean HE has a lot of questions about the proper way to do this. 1. where do you put the steroids? 2. when do you take them and how often? 3. what klind should he take? 4. what does he eat when hes on them? 5. Can he do cardio? 6. Are you not supposed to…
Anyone having....or cooking (ew)....steak tonight in Houston??!!
i also would like some friends not as cool as crazy cat lady tho