Simple challenge. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day for 100 days from April 16th to September 4th (Labor Day) Your exercise can be walking, running, swimming, metal detecting - basically anything that gets you up and moving for at least 30 minutes. Me and my wife will be doing this challenge. This challenge will be on the…
If you are looking for a fun way to get exercise, well try this: go to and sign up. It is a mix of geocaching, hide and seek, and is totally fun. I get plenty of good exercise walking around hunting and deploying munzees. oh and if you do sign up add me as a friend (whiskey5jda) it is easy to do and…
looking for a few friends. hi hi 38 y/o follower of Christ here just trying to worship the lord by taking care what he gave me
hi I am a recycled user. looking to make new weight loss friends. Christian and full of God's blessings (and it shows - obviously). hope to hear from some of y'all