I am really confused about how many grams of each macro I am supposed to be taking in each day. I have just spent the past 45 minutes trying to calculate it and I don't know if I have done it right... here is what I got: TDEE: 1472 My aim is to gain muscle with minimal fat gain, so I have been advised to do +10% of my…
I was born blessed with the skinny genes but this has made it a nightmare for me to gain muscle and shed that awkward tummy fat that is hiding the abs that I am hoping to be able to show off this summer. Does anybody have any exercise and nutrition tips for me to help me reach my goals? I am 5ft 4 and I weigh around 107…
I have been researching on the internet for the past week or so the best foods and meal timing to optimize fat loss and muscle gain, but different websites tell me different things- no complex carbs (like brown rice, oatmeal etc) after lunch, simple carbs after workout; no, complex carbs after workout, etc. It's very…