Finally able to get pregnant
Okay, So I stopped logging what I ate couple of months ago because I was no longer able to control my appetite. Turns out, I was pregnant! I wanted to let people know that this website helped me get there. I only lost 2 pounds, however I was only 4 pounds from my BMI in the first place. I just dieted slow but I also began…
Really need support from other women with PCOS!
I am only a few pounds overweight, but I've noticed since I've exceeded my BMI my cycle has stopped. My doctor said both the change in my cycle and my weight gain was caused by PCOS. I thought that by loosing weight I could regain control over my fertility, but my sister (who also has PCOS) says that my sugars, not my…
Somebody add me!
Im 4 pounds over my BMI and I gained 7 pounds over the holidays. My husband says he will do this with me but he always gives up. Somebody please add me. I would like to have someone to motivate who I can motivate in return.