Hello there. My name is Kate, and I'm in relatively good fitness. I'm overweight, but extremely active. I bike 20-30k no problem, and I do circuit training and am currently having some fun with Insanity. A friend asked me if I was interested in running the Detroit half marathon. I'm not a runner, but I'm not a couch potato…
So today I rode 25km on my bike, and it was mostly because my ipod kept cranking out one good song after another. I find I love biking mostly to ska/pop-punky music, and definitely kick it up when I get some Daft Punk flowing. I was inspired by a few songs today, so I figured I'd share them. Maybe you guys can suggest some…
Does anyone here use Wii workout ware? Any kind of Dance/Workout game? I know there are quite a few out there, and I'm not sure which ones are the best/user friendly. I'm looking for something FUN with good music choices that will make me want to move while still providing a challenge. Also, how much room do you need to…
I stumbled upon a blog that I look at whenever I feel down or unmotivated: http://www.before-afters.tumblr.com/ I recently submitted a "before" and "during" of my 40lbs lost. I can't wait to submit an "after" If you know of an endless source of inspiration, feel free to share it here!