Didn't quite make it through an ignite.. GR. Tried to start one on Monday and just couldn't make it. BUT the silver lining is that I have been drinking an am shake.. eating healthy and taking all my supplements and I still lost two pounds in two days! :o ) I LOVE that we can follow our own plan and still feel GREAT!!!
I thought this may be a way for us to account to one another on our work outs... :o ) I will go first... VERY stressfull weekend trying to get Christmas stuff done... no work outs for me... looking forward to Monday am and a little Jillian Micheals Body Rev!
Hi all! My name is Katie and I am new here.. trying to get some more people from Xyngular to join us though! I'd like to get more people interested in Xyngular AND working out hope to make more friends! :o )