Memory problems
Hi, not posted on her for a couple of years, mainly because menopause has been the best thing that happened to me for along while. I have been sailing along enjoying the calm my life has become without a hormonal cycle, but over the last few months I have really noticed problems with my memory, forgotten conversations,…
Hot weather, love it or hate it?
I just wondered how everyone is getting on with the warm weather? I don't sleep too well but strangely I don't get as tired during the day as I normally would do with so little sleep I definitely eat less exercise is harder as I hate getting overly hot and sweaty but an advantage to not sleeping is I've been up at 5 so…
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
Hi, Did anyone watch the programme on Channel 5 last night on Fat, Sick and nearly dead about fasting on a green juice diet? It seemed a little drastic but both men looked very well on it. Anyone tried such an extreme diet, what was your experience? Angela
A little confused over adding exercise
Hi I've had the UP a couple of weeks now and I'm enjoying using it, but I've not quite got my head round adding exercise. What is the difference, for example if you go for a walk, between just counting the steps, using the ap to log a timed walk and using the button to the bracelet to mark the start of timed exercise? And…
I've just cornered myself a new jawbone up
Hi, I've just ordered a jawbone up as a birthday present to myself, it should arrive in a few days so I thought I'd join the group to get a head start and a few tips. Angela
New to group
Hi I'm Angela I thought I should join this group as I desperately need tips and support to cope with my raging hormones! I will be fifty in a couple of weeks and have been in peri menopause for what seems a lifetime, I'm sure my excess weight is making things much worse. I gave up sugar a couple of months ago in a vain…