I started out at an hour (after a month of building up to that) but I was reading that an hour may be too much, so I dropped down to 45 but not burning that additional 130 or so calories is bumming me out. Does anyone think that a full 60 minutes (warm up to cool down) is too much? How much do you all do in a day?
Are a real killer. I have done pretty good at fighting off my cravings so far, I only went slightly off the wagon once and it wasn't even that bad. I keep reminding myself of my goals and it's helping. What's your motivation??
This is going to be long, but this is something I've never shared with anyone. It needs out. I'm trying (again) to "fix" my life, but I just know (again) that this will be the time that works. This has been a on-going battle for four years. Four long years. Four years, that I havent been happy. I blame my weight and being…